Bitácora 10

Members: Jhon Navarrete, Joan Loor, Gustavo Schettini, Fernando Vélez, Rodolfo Cedeño

Date: 31/08/2017                                                                                        

Course: 2 BGU "B"

What did we do?
All the groups finished editing the videos and then we started with the starts of the logs.

How did we do it?
On any sheet of paper you had to put the fields:members, date, course. Once that was done, 4 questions were placed which were: what did we do?, How did we do it?, What did we learn?, What difficulties did we have?

What difficulties we had?
When we did the logs, we realized that was the best review we could have seen.

What did we learn?

We had a great difficulty because, despite the fact that we had made quite a lot of progress with editing; somehow the editing and videos were erased, but we managed to record again and present it.
