Bitácora 2

Members:: Jhon Navarrete, Joan Loor, Gustavo Schettini, Fernando Vélez, Rodolfo Cedeño

Date: 03/08/2017                                                                                        

Course: 2 BGU "B"

What did we do?
We went the audience Pedro Arrupe again, to see a video brings over of the program that we would use to future for the project called Scratch.

How did we do it?
We did it well, we were a bit undisciplined, ignoring what they were showing us to the front, we could have made it better.

What did we learn?
We learned about Scratch´s bases, a program of easy interface to have basic notions of programming.

What difficulties did we have?
To the moment when they passed the video, many of us were absent-minded.
