Bitácora 4
Members: Jhon Navarrete, Joan Loor, Gustavo Schettini, Fernando Vélez, Rodolfo Cedeño
Date: 10/08/2017
Course.: 2 BGU "B"
Date: 10/08/2017
Course.: 2 BGU "B"
What did we do?
We recieve an explanation of the teacher of mathematics about a method to calculate the constant of elasticity; and later in English we look for the meaning of technical words that we would use in the project.
How did we do it?
The vast majority of us paid attention to the teacher explanation, and when searching for meaning in English, we had greater complications.
What difficulties we had?
In the English part we had greater complications in the search for the concept.
What did we learn?
We learned how to find the constant, and certain technical words we would use later
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